About Lau Lane
Lau Lane represents clients throughout Florida, from pre-suit investigation through all stages of litigation, including trials, mediations, arbitration, and final appeal. Lau Lane attorneys are experienced in both state and federal court, as well as before various arbitration forums and state and federal administrative agencies. Lau Lane’s attorneys are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist via phone or email.
Lau Lane is a full-service civil trial firm with an emphasis on defending land-based and maritime personal injury, wrongful death, and casualty claims. Lau Lane has a broad range of substantive experience and strives to offer superior representation by providing personalized service to our clients through a wide-range of legal services.
100 South Ashley Drive, Suite 1650
1650, Tampa, FL 33602
P: 813.229.2121
F: 813.228.7710
Our offices are located at 100 South Ashley Drive in downtown Tampa, on the 16th floor of the Wells Fargo Building. Call our phone number for directions.